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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Do I have to watch? Really?

Most of the time I can only follow Mariners games on sattelite radio, and online. t gives a pretty complete picture, but there are nuances that are missed. Body language, expressions, little things that you really need to see to get the whole picture. I was somewhat looking forward to the Mariners being on national TV, even if it was the equivalent of a death trap, going into St Louis to take a crack at Adam Wainwright, the best pitcher nobody has heard of...

In honor of Bill Simmons, who is one of my favorite writers to read (although I won't be able to read him for a while if the Celtics beat the Lakers, I get so tired of his teams winning everything...I even have written a chapter in my book called "I hate Bill Simmons" based on the fact that it is NOT FAIR that he has watched all of his teams win multiple championships in the last 10 years) I decided to do a running commentary of the game. He does these a lot, while watching games, the draft, reality shows, etc. I didn't have high hopes for the Mariners, but I thought I would give it a shot. This would also keep me from walking away in frustration. I hope. I have transcribed it below exactly as I wrote it, with any later comments added in parenthesis. You will see it go from somewhat optomistic to not so much.....

Wainwright V French


Wow, 2 pitches in, 1-0 Seattle

1st pitch to Figgins, infield single

Gutierrez - too many K's, steadily dropping average (is he trying to do to much? Not sure what is going on here)

NICE 1st to 3rd by Figgins on a steal/groundout. Very good baserunning runner on 3rd, 1 out

LOOONG first inning so far, making Wainwright throw a lot of pitches. so far so good.

RBI groundout by Lopez, 2-0 Seattle.

Bradley...grrrrrrrrrr he is getting a little better, but Silva is 8-1 2.89 ERA


Walk to Holliday, bad idea with Pujols on deck

3-0 luckily kept Albert in the yard

3-1 GONE Just like that, 3-2 Cards. Game over.


terrible AB by Johnson. looks lost.

Johnson doesn't look as bad as French, wow, that was ugly


3-2 How many pitches has he thrown?

2B by the goddamn pitcher

2-0, 3-2 CONSTANTLY behind.


another infield hit for Figgins

this one was wasted, no runs.


pick pick pick pick

Kept Albert in the yard again, lucky to have only given up 4 runs so far. Tough draw for Luke's first start of the year.


Bradley SMOKED a line drive, but it is an out.



WALKED THE PITCHER!! are you kidding me?

E6, Wilson took his eyes off the ball, should have ended the inning (luckily, it didn't cost them more runs)



Wainwright is just carving them up, they look helpless


Snell. Crap.

2nd 3rd, no outs.

now it is 6-2


Embarrasing display

Wow! an out!

Nearly a HR to the PITCHER!

another 3-2 count


A walk! A baserunner! Figgins on base 3 times so far

1st and 2nd no outs

GIDP. Of course.


3-2 walk to Pujols

3 K's by Snell in the inning. (He has it in him, he has good stuff, I don't know why he can't seem to put it together. After each horrid outing, I keep waiting for him to be DFA'd, but innings like this are too tantalizing. It's like golfing. You hit that one nice shot, so you go golfing again, hoping to repeat it, even though you suck)





leadoff walk

Nice DP to end it


Saunders is looking better. ( I was not a fan last year, he looked overmatched, but I am starting to get on board. Might was well let him play, the team isn't going anywhere)

2nd, 3rd, nobody out



And....gave it right back


out with barely a whimper

I gave up on the game in the 1st inning. I knew it was over. 3 runs on Wainwright is not bad, but it seems whenever the M's decide to score a couple, it happnes on the nights when nobody can get the other guys out.

I want to keep blogging, but this is so frustrating, and there is literally nothing interesting to write about. They are painful to watch, and booooring. I have shifted gears into waiting to see what they get for Lee....and waiting for next year.

'till nex time...

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