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Friday, July 9, 2010

Shut up, Cleveland!

Hey, Cleveland, SHUT UP! I don't want to hear it. LeBron left. He was a free agent, and he went where he felt he had the best chance to win. He may be wrong, I don't know that yet, but he made a somewhat educated choice. Maybe it will work, maybe it won't, but he's just a kid with a million people telling him what to do, and he is set financially (as are his kids) for the rest of his life. It wasn't about money, or respect. It was what he perceived as the best chance for a ring. Your owner is not making much of a case for Cleveland being a warm happy place to play, he barely waited for James to finish speaking before lighting him up like a jilted teenager.
It's not like Charlotte...who had the rights to Kobe, but were strong armed into trading the rights to LA. Kobe snubbed The Hornets before he even set foot on the court. LeBron at least gave you a few good years before he bolted. 
This is not like A-Rod leaving Seattle for Texas. He stood there and lied to us all, saying that he went there because there was a good chance to win it all. THAT is a lie, he went for the money, as would anyone with half a brain. $252 million is reason enough to go anywhere.
It is not like the Colts, who had the rights to Elway...and were snubbed.
I could go on, but I am getting irritated.
 If someone came to you and said, "you get to have a genuine superstar, watch him play every game, and have the best 5 year run in the history of the francise" you would take it. Every time. I don't want to hear about your city's miserable sports history, I am from SEATTLE, you can't compete. Any city that starts their sob story with "we haven't had a championship SINCE_____" needs to go away. Seattle has none. There was one, but that team left town. (thanks Stern, you scumbag)
I have to stop now, this is pissing me off.....

1 comment:

  1. Exactly. Granted - The way he did it was pretty low (and very stupid), but he never publicly lied. At least Cleveland still has a team...
