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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Is it over yet?

It has become something of a tradition in Seattle sports. A new season is upon us, whether  it is the Seahawks, Mariners, or that basketball team that is no longer here (And, by the way, you can thank the collective lies and scumbaggery of Clay Bennet, David Stern, and Greg Nickels for that). Things look good. The right moves were made in the offseason, people are healthy, and hopes are high!


Time and time again, our teams fail us. The Seahawks go 3-13, the basketball team becomes the first #1 seed in HISTORY to lose to a #8....or the Mariners stink it up like they are doing this year. I love the Mariners, I follow all the games, I read about them every day, I go through withdrawl during the off season, all of that. But I can hardly bear to watch this team. Great starting pitching can only go so far, apparently, when your offense is this putrid. A quick check shows the following;

3.88 team ERA (even with the fairly regular bullpen failings and the "efforts" of RRS) this puts Seattle 10th overall in MLB. You would think this would be good for at least a .500 win/loss percentage, but there are a few problems with that theory. Our beloved M's are;

Last in batting average

Last in OPS

next to last in HR (with fewer home runs than the 'Roid boys each hit by themselves one season)

Last in slugging percentage

last in on base percentage

Last in runs per game at 3.25

I could go on, but you get the picture....

There is not one position, with the possible exception of Right Field, that does not desperately need an offensive upgrade. The defense was supposed to be a strong suit, but they are 20th in fielding percentage. I don't know what that percentage would be without the 367 passed balls by the catchers, but it would still be near the bottom. What position is set on the defense? Again, probably Right Field, and you could add Center Field, but that is it. This team is fatally flawed, and I don't see how it can be fixed without going through a couple more seasons of rebuilding. If I know that they are rebuilding, and I know that they are going to suck, it's easier to take. I watch the games to see how the "kids" are doing, I try to see who is going to stick, who is improving, etc., so it is more bearable, but seasons like this, when the expectations are high, are just too much. I want to write more, I want to have funny observations to make, I want to root for my team. The problem is, there is nothing funny about this team, there is nothing interesting to write about, there just is nothing there, even for a die hard fan like me. Sometimes I wish I didn't care, but I do. And I sit here and hope for the future, because there is nothing happening in the present.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Gotta find a reason to watch

When your team sucks, if you are a real baseball fan, you start to look for other things to keep it interesting. You can’t just stop watching, or stop caring, so you have to make the best of it.

On that note, I am always looking at the things that are unique and out of the ordinary about baseball, whether or not they are directly related to the game. There are so many subtleties to the game, and even the scoring of the game. It is a hugely stats-based game, but there are really strange holes in the scoring system. Since I was a little kid, I thought it was stupid that a pitcher could make an error, give up a run, and the run would be unearned….his fault, he earned it, right? Seems fair to me. My wife has made the observation that the whole game is predicated on what should happen. You should have swung at those 3 pitches, (they were right there!) but you didn’t, so you can have a seat. The fielder should have scooped that grounder you hit, so he gets the scarlet letter “E” and you don’t get credit for anything. Jeremy Giambi should have slid….he would have been safe, and the stinking Yankees would have lost. Um….that doesn’t really fit here does it? Oh well, I hate the Yankees and the constant canonizing of Jeter, so that one bugs me. ….sorry. Anyhow, I was talking about funny, unique stuff. Did you know that one time when our own Milton Bradley was traded, his spot was then taken by Coco Crisp? Really? Coco Crisp for Milton Bradley? Was this arranged by a Kindergartener? Also, did you know that our very own Ryan Rowland-Smith is the only player in MLB history with a hyphenated last name? That one is not very funny, or worth mentioning for any other reason than to bring up RRS, and segue into the fact that I apparently have superpowers. The two things are related, believe it or not. Let me explain.

A few weeks ago, while I was ranting about the poor showing by the bullpen, I singled out Jesus Colome and wondered if he had incriminating photos of someone. I couldn’t understand why he was still employed. Soon after, he was released…Later, I wrote a letter to Jr, pleading with him to retire. Soon after, he did. Once more, I singled out Ian Snell, wondering when he would be DFA’d….I believe it happened the next day. So, apparently, I have strange super-mindpower and can make things happen by writing about them here. So, on that note, it is really a shame that Ryan Rowland-Smith hasn’t worked out, and it is obviously time for him to get his walking papers. I think it must be really cool to suddenly and unexpectedly come into a big pile of money. And, lastly, I wish that Charisma Carpenter could come live at my house.

We will see if my powers are real……

Friday, July 9, 2010

Shut up, Cleveland!

Hey, Cleveland, SHUT UP! I don't want to hear it. LeBron left. He was a free agent, and he went where he felt he had the best chance to win. He may be wrong, I don't know that yet, but he made a somewhat educated choice. Maybe it will work, maybe it won't, but he's just a kid with a million people telling him what to do, and he is set financially (as are his kids) for the rest of his life. It wasn't about money, or respect. It was what he perceived as the best chance for a ring. Your owner is not making much of a case for Cleveland being a warm happy place to play, he barely waited for James to finish speaking before lighting him up like a jilted teenager.
It's not like Charlotte...who had the rights to Kobe, but were strong armed into trading the rights to LA. Kobe snubbed The Hornets before he even set foot on the court. LeBron at least gave you a few good years before he bolted. 
This is not like A-Rod leaving Seattle for Texas. He stood there and lied to us all, saying that he went there because there was a good chance to win it all. THAT is a lie, he went for the money, as would anyone with half a brain. $252 million is reason enough to go anywhere.
It is not like the Colts, who had the rights to Elway...and were snubbed.
I could go on, but I am getting irritated.
 If someone came to you and said, "you get to have a genuine superstar, watch him play every game, and have the best 5 year run in the history of the francise" you would take it. Every time. I don't want to hear about your city's miserable sports history, I am from SEATTLE, you can't compete. Any city that starts their sob story with "we haven't had a championship SINCE_____" needs to go away. Seattle has none. There was one, but that team left town. (thanks Stern, you scumbag)
I have to stop now, this is pissing me off.....

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Do I have to watch? Really?

Most of the time I can only follow Mariners games on sattelite radio, and online. t gives a pretty complete picture, but there are nuances that are missed. Body language, expressions, little things that you really need to see to get the whole picture. I was somewhat looking forward to the Mariners being on national TV, even if it was the equivalent of a death trap, going into St Louis to take a crack at Adam Wainwright, the best pitcher nobody has heard of...

In honor of Bill Simmons, who is one of my favorite writers to read (although I won't be able to read him for a while if the Celtics beat the Lakers, I get so tired of his teams winning everything...I even have written a chapter in my book called "I hate Bill Simmons" based on the fact that it is NOT FAIR that he has watched all of his teams win multiple championships in the last 10 years) I decided to do a running commentary of the game. He does these a lot, while watching games, the draft, reality shows, etc. I didn't have high hopes for the Mariners, but I thought I would give it a shot. This would also keep me from walking away in frustration. I hope. I have transcribed it below exactly as I wrote it, with any later comments added in parenthesis. You will see it go from somewhat optomistic to not so much.....

Wainwright V French


Wow, 2 pitches in, 1-0 Seattle

1st pitch to Figgins, infield single

Gutierrez - too many K's, steadily dropping average (is he trying to do to much? Not sure what is going on here)

NICE 1st to 3rd by Figgins on a steal/groundout. Very good baserunning runner on 3rd, 1 out

LOOONG first inning so far, making Wainwright throw a lot of pitches. so far so good.

RBI groundout by Lopez, 2-0 Seattle.

Bradley...grrrrrrrrrr he is getting a little better, but Silva is 8-1 2.89 ERA


Walk to Holliday, bad idea with Pujols on deck

3-0 luckily kept Albert in the yard

3-1 GONE Just like that, 3-2 Cards. Game over.


terrible AB by Johnson. looks lost.

Johnson doesn't look as bad as French, wow, that was ugly


3-2 How many pitches has he thrown?

2B by the goddamn pitcher

2-0, 3-2 CONSTANTLY behind.


another infield hit for Figgins

this one was wasted, no runs.


pick pick pick pick

Kept Albert in the yard again, lucky to have only given up 4 runs so far. Tough draw for Luke's first start of the year.


Bradley SMOKED a line drive, but it is an out.



WALKED THE PITCHER!! are you kidding me?

E6, Wilson took his eyes off the ball, should have ended the inning (luckily, it didn't cost them more runs)



Wainwright is just carving them up, they look helpless


Snell. Crap.

2nd 3rd, no outs.

now it is 6-2


Embarrasing display

Wow! an out!

Nearly a HR to the PITCHER!

another 3-2 count


A walk! A baserunner! Figgins on base 3 times so far

1st and 2nd no outs

GIDP. Of course.


3-2 walk to Pujols

3 K's by Snell in the inning. (He has it in him, he has good stuff, I don't know why he can't seem to put it together. After each horrid outing, I keep waiting for him to be DFA'd, but innings like this are too tantalizing. It's like golfing. You hit that one nice shot, so you go golfing again, hoping to repeat it, even though you suck)





leadoff walk

Nice DP to end it


Saunders is looking better. ( I was not a fan last year, he looked overmatched, but I am starting to get on board. Might was well let him play, the team isn't going anywhere)

2nd, 3rd, nobody out



And....gave it right back


out with barely a whimper

I gave up on the game in the 1st inning. I knew it was over. 3 runs on Wainwright is not bad, but it seems whenever the M's decide to score a couple, it happnes on the nights when nobody can get the other guys out.

I want to keep blogging, but this is so frustrating, and there is literally nothing interesting to write about. They are painful to watch, and booooring. I have shifted gears into waiting to see what they get for Lee....and waiting for next year.

'till nex time...

Random Depressing Thoughts

I can not bring myself to write about the Mariners too much these days, it is just too depressing. I have had a bunch of random thoughts wander through my head, so lucky for me, and maybe not so lucky for you… I have this outlet for them. Remember, I don’t get paid for this, so this is all free….and you get what you pay for!

I went in to this season with high hopes. I thought the World Series hopes were a little far-fetched, but 88 wins was do-able. I was excited to start writing this blog. I believe in Z. I thought Figgins was a great addition.

Ugh. 100% wrong so far. (maybe 90%, I still believe in Z…for now) Figgins just isn’t hitting, and although I have always thought the “He is adjusting to his place in the order” was as much of a load of crap as “He needs to know his role in the bullpen to perform well”. Well, maybe I am wrong about that too. He is hitting in a different spot, and playing a new position to boot. (to boot, get it…..error, boot….ah, whatever. I thought it was funny). Those things, combined with the pressure of living up to the $$$$$$$$ may be the reasons, although I think “living up to the contract” is a load of crap as well….you have just been rewarded for doing your job well, what makes a player think they need to change how they do things?

I do not understand switching Lopez and Figgins. My first thought was they were teaching Jose a new position to increase his trade value, in anticipation of bringing up Ackley, who is busy in the minors learning to play second base. (I was having a brain cramp as I was writing this, and couldn’t remember his name, so I went to Google and typed in “Mariners # 1 draft pick” and I half expected to see a page full of laughing emoticons) but Ackley is not going to be ready this year, so I guess I just don’t understand the move.

How about Doug Fister? At this moment, 4th in the AL with an ERA under 2.00! He impressed me last year, and I expected him to be good, but not this good. I was actually stunned to see a 3 spot on his line the other day! Let’s hope that he doesn’t pull a Fleming on us.

We are certainly not giving Lee much reason to stay, he has a great ERA, is pitching very well, and has exactly 2 wins to show for it, as well as a nice view of the AL West from the cellar. Probably not what he had in mind.

I am seriously concerned about Wak’s handling of his pitchers. Leaving pitchers in an inning too long, using relievers in situations where they have, so far, shown that they can not do the job. It almost feels like Colome has incriminating pictures of somebody, because he has not shown me any reason that he deserves to get trotted out there any other time than mop up duty.

There is more, including the fact that 13 players on the All Star ballot were originally signed or drafted by Seattle…..and the fact that Seattle has given up the most last at bat wins of any team in MLB….and. and, and. I could go on, but believe it or not, I am trying to be positive. Really, I am. No, seriously, this is me trying to be positive.

M's Lib

A great outing by _____________ was wasted again as the Mariners failed to score any runs in support. There were multiple scoring chances, but a key ________ by ______________ killed one rally, and a poorly timed strikeout by ____________ let another opportunity slip away. Once again, a runner was thrown out at_________ and by the time it was all said and done, the Mariners were ______ games below .500 and ______ games out in the division.

An open letter to the greatest Mariner ever


I don’t have to tell you how much you mean to this team and their fans. You are more responsible than any other single individual for the fact that we still have a team to cheer for in this city, and we have such a wonderful ballpark. Even with all the injuries and missed time, you are a first-ballot Hall of Famer, the first “homegrown” player with that status. Most of us can look past the awkward way you left because of what you did while you were here. You came back this season because you wanted to help the Mariners be winners again. This hurts to say, and my brother in law will probably be in tears when it happens, but right now, the best way to help the Mariners is to walk away. Retire with your legacy intact, and go home to spend time with your family. Not that we want to see you go, but none of us want to keep watching you struggle like you are. It is painful to watch, especially so for those of us who have been following you since that double in 1989. We remember the soaring home runs, and the way you would glide over to catch what looked like a sure extra base hit. I, for one, don’t want my last memory of you to be a strikeout on an 92 MPH fastball. This team desperately needs production, and it seems that no matter how much you want to (and how much we want you to) you can’t give them what they need. You have earned the right to call your own shots, without a doubt, I am just asking you to consider, in your heart, what is right.
